Happily Ever After... And Then Some.

Our Storybook, one page at a time.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


finally, a time to come up for air.

most of the wedding details are in place, and despite the little screw-ups, i couldn't care less. there will be a wedding on sept. 10 and that's all that really matters.

the past weekends have been little trips down memory lane - with the wedding invitations as a perfect excuse to meet up with friends and relatives. admittedly, not all of them have been the most pleasant encounters, but thankfully majority of them have been little spurts of real friendship.

of course, there will always be rotten eggs in the basket - like friends who seem to think that their being at my wedding is a favor rather than a privilege, or relatives who will sneak out of my reception to their food-tasting session next door and actually have the balls to tell me they're doing that. but it's ok, they'll be missing out on great mango parfait. LOL. i just can't help but laugh at the almost-too-impossible coincidences and choices people make.

on a happier note - my family seems to be making a big deal out of our wedding, as they are all flying to manila to be part of the fun. with 9 rooms booked on the night before our wedding, i think we should all take Benadryl to make sure we're asleep early. knowing my crazy aunts and uncles, it'll be endless chitchat til we all realize it's time to wake up (with a 3am wake-up sked, that's pretty easy LOL)... i can't wait!