Happily Ever After... And Then Some.

Our Storybook, one page at a time.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

waddle, waddle, waddle

with only 3 months left, we decided to take the maternity tour of st. paul's hospital last thursday. (a maternity tour is a walk-through of the maternity wing and rooms.) apparently, there were 15 couples who also needed to take the tour that day - so imagine 15 pregnant women in all shapes, colors, and sizes, all waddling along the corridors to get to the maternity wing. talk about seeing penguins. LOL.

i guess the tour was created to make parents-to-be less nervous about the big day - by literally showing us where we have to go, and how things are done. pretty cool too - at least we saw what things were going to be provided, and what needs to be brought in. the room itself is pretty big, most probably twice the size of a suite in makati med, or 3x the size of a small private room in asian hospital. the nurse in charge also showed us the special care nursery where 2 preemies were. (babies are roomed-in here, and are only sent to the nursery if and when they need special attention. otherwise, he/she is all yours - complete with a stack of cloth diapers that they provide.)

the only sad part is, while the mommies get a comfortable bed (plus a jacuzzi in the bathroom), the dads get this really sad-looking, beaten chair that folds out into a (practically) child-sized bed. aldo and i looked at each other and nearly laughed out loud - i just hope he fits into that thing. LOL. sabagay, he'll only have to endure 48 hours in the hospital anyway.

yikes, only 3 months left... where did the time go???