Happily Ever After... And Then Some.

Our Storybook, one page at a time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

a growing list of things to be thankful for

since aldo and i live and work downtown, a car wasn't that much of a necessity... that was, until we got pregnant. so we've decided to get a car on our third trimester (pushing it as far back as possible since the car will just sit in the apartment building's parking anyway), and ended up going back to good old Toyota for our very first car.

one sunday we just walked into the showroom... little did we know that they had a Red Tag Sale of some sort where the security deposits and some other fees were waived. it was apparently the last day of the Sale and since it was an opportunity to save on a few bucks, we applied for a lease on a Matrix '06 (it's like a Corolla with a hatchback trunk).

before we knew it, Toyota had approved our application - and they had the car sitting in their lot already. talk about a whirlwind purchase... it only took 7 days! so there we were yesterday, staring at a Matrix '06 in Indigo Ink with our name on it.

it's funny too that apparently, you get to literally pick your own plate number here. the insurance agent had 4 plates in front of me and told me to pick what combination i wanted. LOL.

next stop? i have to get a driver's license now... and study this whole booklet of a thing before i take the written exam, and pass that before taking the driving test! sabagay, if you can drive in manila, then you can drive anywhere (minus the horn honking and singitan of course!).

aldo just realized... he's on his way to daddyhood already... his first car is a hatchback type that's definitely for the family. LOL.

grown-up stuff... bring it on!!!