Happily Ever After... And Then Some.

Our Storybook, one page at a time.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

sand sculptures

our trip to harrison hot springs last weekend was our first as a family - perfect timing, as it was also our first wedding anniversary! armed with tons of diapers, bottles, formula, a bouncer seat, an infant carrier, and a stroller - we were off to see the sand sculptures before summer officially ends.

on the way, we stopped by the Minter Gardens. it was beautiful at 10am - the air was cool and smelled like a mixture of roses and freshly-cut grass. we carried amori around in a sling (which promptly put her to sleep!) and went around with a bunch of old folks on a tour. we loved the english rose garden, with roses in different hues, and as big as amori's face... plus a pretty gazebo right in the middle of it of course.

by noon we were at the harrison hot springs town proper, and could see the sculptures from our hotel window. after a diaper change and 4oz. of milk, we headed to the beach/lake shore where the sculptures were.

they were all awesome - you'd think they were made of cement or clay because the sculptures were detailed and not your average sand castle.

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by amorieleanor

Image hosted by Webshots.com
by amorieleanor

Image hosted by Webshots.com
by amorieleanor

Image hosted by Webshots.com
by amorieleanor

we saw a few that were being sculpted since there was another tournament that weekend sponsored by the Vancouver Sun.

harrison hot springs is a great place for a day trip but if you stay overnight like we did, it tends to get a bit boring on the 2nd day. it's a really scenic drive from downtown vancouver though - instead of the usual buildings, you see miles and miles of corn fields, hazelnut farms, tree farms, and mountains. think Smallville.

at least we now know that we can take amori practically everywhere even if she's only 2 months old!