no longer a baby
my baby is no longer the cooing, smiling, peacefully-sitting, pee & poo machine that she used to be.
well she is still a pee & poo machine... only more messy and mobile. LOL.
nothing is safe from hurricane amori. papa's cell phone didn't even survive her exploring hands and mouth. poor papa now has no mobile phone - it's been added to amori's toy bin because the only functioning button left is the on/off button.
she loves switching the following things on and off: the tv, the dvd, the xbox, the cable box, and the floor lamps. if you didn't know that she was nearby, you'd think there was a ghost in our house, with all the on/off surges.
the newest thing on the list is climbing her old bouncy seat.
it used to be her favorite seat.
now it's her favorite stepstool.
she is extremely curious about everything around her - even the dehumidifier.
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