i met with april and karen yu yesterday to discuss what sort of gown and entourage gowns i want. it wasn't a very scheduled meeting, as i started texting them for their availability 2 hours prior to our meeting -- good thing we're practically neighbors! armed with 2 thick magazines plus a clear book of magazine cutouts, i confused both of them (plus my mom and my sister too) as to what i really wanted. for the first 30 minutes, i wanted an entourage ensemble of white pants and a sexy tunic top... but i also wanted a classic puffy gown for my flowergirl, and a traditional long gown for my maid of honor... good thing april is malumanay and i couldn't help but laugh when she mildly put that my entourage would look magulo if i did that. hehehe. oo nga naman.
so after another 30 minutes of throwing ideas, we came up with a compromise of tea-length dresses for everyone. they had samples of tea-length dresses they've done and they were pretty cute. as for my gown, that was much simpler to discuss. a few pictures and details here and there and they looked like they understood what i wanted. all i have to do now is sit tight, quit looking at gowns online, and wait for their designs and quotation.
last friday i went for a thorough medical exam - the final immigration requirement we have to submit. as expected, it felt like a production line - where the doctor doesn't really talk to you but recites all these questions for you to answer. after the blood and urinalysis samples are taken, you go to the doctor for a strip-search reminiscent of those done in high school, then they give you an x-ray referral and tell you to go to makati med.
while the doctor was giving me a physical exam:
MD: have you ever taken cocaine, marijuana, or shabu?
P: no
MD: smoke, drink, or been pregnant?
P: no
MD: had some plastic surgery done?
PAUSE... P's thought bubble: why???
P: no
P: i don't mean to be rude but why did you ask if i had plastic surgery done? is it included in the standard list of questions?
MD: a.. hindi. ganda kasi ng nose mo e.
while i did have my medicals done, the doctor practically ruined my passport. i guess she GLUED the envelope with my passport's first page between the flaps... so now i have an envelope stuck forever to my passport thanks to her. my mom's a travel agent so when she saw the passport, she immediately called the doctor and complained about the handling. oh well, she may have apologized but her sorry won't magically remedy the tampered passport. mom said i may have to renew it before i leave, just to avoid extra hassles at the airport. GRRR!!!